Avalanche Wallet Checker Banner


Avalanche Wallet Checker




Use of Covalent API

We used the “Get token balances for address” endpoint to have all of the tokens of the user. After we used “Get historical portfolio value over time” to the historical price and draw a graph, we used the CoinGecko API to complete the price that Covalent doesn’t return. For more coins information about transactions we used “Get ERC20 token transfers” but also parse result of “Get transactions” because the native token of the blockchain is not in the ERC20 endpoint. We used all the data as json.



The project was built at #ETHGlobal - NFTHack



  • Aurélien Foucault: Discord - @Aurelien#1529
Last modified: March 7, 2022: operator block (bcd13f8)