Ronin network banner

Ronin Network


Axie Infinity is a Pokémon-inspired universe where anyone can earn tokens through skilled gameplay and contributions to the ecosystem. Players can battle, collect, raise, and build a land-based kingdom for their pets. Axie was built as a fun and educational way to introduce the world to blockchain technology.

In order for Axie Infinity to reach omore connections (the friends and family of our friends and family of users) Axie is building a long term solution that makes participating in the Axie game & economy, fast, cheap, and seamless: Ronin.

Ronin is an Ethereum-linked sidechain made specifically for Axie Infinity. A Ronin was a samurai without a master in feudal Japan and Ronin represents the Axie desire to take the destiny of our product into our own hands.

Quick facts

Property Value
Network name Axie/Ronin
Mainnet chainId 2020
Ronin Bridge
Ronin Blockchain Explorer

Supported endpoints

Get token balances for address
Class A
Given chain_id and wallet address, return current token balances along with their spot prices. This endpoint supports a variety of token standards like ERC20, ERC721 and ERC1155. As a special case, network native tokens like ETH on Ethereum are also returned even though it’s not a token contract.
GET /v1/:chain_id/address/:address/balances_v2/
Get transactions for address
Class A
Given chain_id and wallet address, return all transactions along with their decoded log events. This endpoint does a deep-crawl of the blockchain to retrieve all kinds of transactions that references the address including indexed topics within the event logs.
GET /v1/:chain_id/address/:address/transactions_v2/
Get ERC20 token transfers for address
Class A
Given chain_id, wallet address and contract-address, return all ERC20 token contract transfers along with their historical prices at the time of their transfer.
GET /v1/:chain_id/address/:address/transfers_v2/
Get token holders as of any block height
Class A
Given chain_id and wallet address, return a paginated list of token holders. If block-height is omitted, the latest block is used.
GET /v1/:chain_id/tokens/:address/token_holders/
Get log events by contract address
Class A
Given chain_id and contract address, return a paginated list of decoded log events emitted by a particular smart contract.
GET /v1/:chain_id/events/address/:address/
Get log events by topic hash(es)
Class A
Given chain_id and topic hash(es), return a paginated list of decoded log events with one or more topic hashes separated by a comma.
GET /v1/:chain_id/events/topics/:topic/

Go to Covalent’s API Reference


Axie Token

Axie Infinity Shards(AXS) are an ERC-20 governance token for the Axie Universe. AXS holders will be able to claim rewards if they stake their tokens, play the game, and participate in key governance votes. Players will also be able to earn $AXS when they play various games within the Axie Infinity Universe and through user-generated content initiatives.

Last modified: March 7, 2022: operator block (bcd13f8)