Project Name

Template banner image

Disclaimer: The content is created andd submitted by the interested project. Covalent only reviews the standards.



This section should cover:

  • A high level introduction of your project.
  • At what stage is your project and on which networks/blockchains does it exist?
  • Was your project built as part of a hackathon or is it independently built? If it was part of hackathon, please indicate which one listed here
  • How was the Covalent API useful for your project?
  • How will your project bring value to Covalent’s ecoystem?


Minimum Content

This section contains the direction and guidlines for the content that will go in your project showcase.

  • A brief description of how your project utilizes Covalent which must include:
    • Which endpoints are being used and/or planning to use?
    • How Covalent APIs helped you to achieve your project goal?
    • How Covalent aligns with the future vision of your project?
  • Show working images(max 3) of the infrastructure piece that’s being powered by Covalent or a link to a working prototype. Refer images
  • Link to Github Repos (optional: add only if open-sourced).
  • Links to communication and social channels.


Docs Standard

There is no need to include this section. This is just for your reference. Delete this when submitting your PR.


Bullet Lists

  1. Bullets should start with - followed by a space: dash + space. For sublists, use a tab followed by dash
- List.
    - Sublist.
  1. When a bullet list refers to some parameter definitions, use the following structure:

    • Def - This is a dummy definitition. You can also use single quotes to emphasize on something.
Some text here:

 - `Def1` — some text here
 - `Def2` — some text here
  1. You can use numbers to describe steps.
1. Step 1
2. Step 2
3. Step 3



There are two different kinds of images required for showcasing your project:

  1. A banner that will be used to feature your project on the index page.

    • You can create the banner by this figma template.
    • Add it to ../images/ For example, if you create a banner with name your-project-showcase-banner.png Add banner in ../images/your-project-showcase-banner.png. Either png, jpg or svg can be used.
    • Use the following structure to bring images in the your markdown file under the Project Name
    ![Image metadata](../images/your-image.png)
    • Add the image under the in the index of category that you chose . For example, if your project falls under tools, then open this format and paste it below the last project. Don’t forget to check if it pointing to the right project.
    ## [Project Name](./project-name)
    [![Project Name](./images/your-project-showcase.png)](./project-name)
  2. Screenshots (max 3) of your working prototype.

    • Create a folder by your project-name in image directory.
    • Put your screenshots in this folder
    • Refer the screenshots in the content when you are describing the project.
    ![Image metadata](../images/project-name/screenshot-1ß.png)



Tables can be used as well and can contain arbitrary Markdown code. As a reference, you can use this online table generator. To create a table, you can use the following structure:

| Table       | Example                     |
| :---------: | :-------------------------: |
| `ONE`       |  Fetch resource  |
| `TWO`       |  Update resource |
| `Three `    |  Delete resource |


Content Tabs

In some cases, you might want to group alternative content under different tabs. For example, you are describing a code snippet in various languages. Content tabs allow you to wrap content in a single block. This block offers different tabs that will change the content depending on how you configure it. To do so, you can use the following structure:

=== "Option1"
    code snippet one

=== "Option2"
    code snippet two

=== "Option3"
    code snippet three



The notes option (!!! note) is super helpful when you want users to read some specific information. Notes can have custom titles with the following syntax !!! note “Your Title Here”. To do so, you can use the following structure:

Some text here.

!!! note
    This is a note. There is an empty line before the !!! note syntax, 
    and one right after this text. Note that this sentence will end with a dot.
Some text here
Last modified: March 7, 2022: operator block (bcd13f8)