How to List your Project/dApp

Template banner image

Disclaimer: The content is created and submitted by the interested project. Covalent only reviews the standards.



Following is the high-level overview of the process that will be followed:

  • Fork this repo.
  • Introduce your project to us by using this project template.
  • When changes are complete, create a PR to developement.


Get Started

This guide will help you understand the entire process and getting started.


1. Fork/Clone the Repo

The general idea is to fork this repository, modify your version with your changes, and then submit a PR.

So, as mentioned before, first fork this repository and clone the branch project-showcase.

git clone -b project-showcase   
cd covalent-docs


2. Choose Category

Next, choose the category that relates to your project the most. There is a folder per category. If you think we are missing a category, contact us throught any of these channels and we will create a new folder.

Discord | Telegram


3. Copy and Edit Template

The template can be found here.

For example, let’s say your project is named “project-name”, has logo “project-showcase-logo.png” and related to tools. Then, you would need to copy this file inside the following folder and change it’s name to Then you would follow the template to create a content and a banner project-showcase.png. After that you will put that banner under images.



4. Feature Your Project

  • After placing your project with appropriate tags in its respective directory go to of that directory.
  • Follow the following format to feature your project.
## [Project Name](./project-name/)
[![Project Name](./images/your-project-showcase-banner.png)](./project-name)


5. Submit PR

When you think you have made all the changes into the template, you can submit a pull-request from your forked repo to the development branch.

Don't create a PR directly to main/master!

We will review it with our standards and if everything is good, your project will be added to our showcase.

Note: Some projects that were accepted before we formed a standard so they might not adhere to all the pre-requisites. If you are submitting a PR after June 15th, 2021, you must adhere to standards in the template.

Last modified: March 7, 2022: operator block (bcd13f8)